Eric Kelsic

Eric Kelsic

Company: Dyno Therapeutics

Job title: Co Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Roundtable Discussion: Treading the Regulatory Path for Novel CNS Capsids 11:30 am

Identifying the binding receptor for the capsid to cross the BBB Discussing the relevant clinical data sets necessary to support a regulatory filing for novel capsids Outlining the steps required around how this novel technology can be successfully moved into patientsRead more

day: Day One Whole

Holy Grail of CNS Gene Therapy: Systemic Administration of a BBB Penetrant Capsid 9:30 am

Discussing the interaction between the vector and the delivery device to successfully deliver a novel vector to a human brain Leveraging the delivery of novel, systemically delivered capsids to treat whole-brain diseases Tackling species specific differences in capsid interactions with the BBBRead more

day: Day One Whole

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