8:30 am
Check In & Coffee
Workshop A
9:00 am CNS Targeted Vectors: Development & Delivery
- Verifying the use of novel capsids in a large brain model
- Harnessing the latest technologies to ensure broad distribution of gene therapies in the brain
- Delivering CNS gene therapies to larger patient populations using optimized delivery techniques and vectors
- Leveraging Intracisternal injections to achieve higher efficiency and broad distribution
- Discussing the interplay between delivery devices and up and coming novel capsids
Workshop B
9:00 am Advancing Appropriate Models for Translational Studies in Human Brains
- Analyzing the successful validation of a gene therapy in a rodent animal model
- Deep diving into successfully transitioning from rodent models to NHP studies to prove safety and appropriate biodistribution in large brain organisms
- Using human cells to scale dosage before conducting NHP studies
- Discussing humanized mouse models when modelling CNS gene therapies
- Understanding the differences in AAV tropism between rodent models and large animal models
12:00 pm
Lunch & Networking
Workshop C
1:00 pm Advancing Gene Editing Technologies to Treat CNS Disorders
- Reviewing the current state of play for CNS-directed gene editing therapies
- Gene editing techniques to improve gene editing efficiency in the brain
- Debating viral vs non-viral approaches when delivering gene editing technologies to the brain
- Minimizing potential in vivo toxic effects of gene editing machinery to the brain
- Articulating the challenges surrounding fitting gene editing machinery into a vehicle that is deliverable to the CNS
Workshop D
1:00 pm Understanding the Regulatory Framework for CNS Gene Therapies
- Understanding the importance of acknowledging the regulatory framework for gene therapies early in development
- Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of seamless clinical trials and standard clinical trials for rare neurological conditions
- Diving into the difference in requirements for setting up clinical trials for gene therapies in different countries
- Rethinking regulatory framework when developing a CNS-directed gene therapy for a larger patient population
- Tackling the regulatory views of the development of novel BBB-penetrant capsids